Retierment…and Finding Balance Again

In January 2022, I retired from a long career in Youth and Family Mental Health services. My primary focus through the years was on program development, training and curriculum design. I was fortunate enough to work with collaborative partners on every project. Together we brainstormed, made decisions, problem solved, and implemented plans. 

However, after just a few months of retirement I realize some of the challenges of a career never change. I still plan far too much in a day than is possible to accomplish. I procrastinate on the harder tasks if no deadline is set. I am easily overwhelmed by new information and tools. I can often problem solve a jewelry design, but I cannot problem solve Facebook Business page, website eCommerce stores, and marketing on social media by myself.  

While the learning curve is steep for these new tasks, I still have a team. I have a friend willing to tutor me on social media. I have another who provides insight into my blogs. I have tools to problem solve creating an online store. And luckily, I have a husband, Bo, that is my constant support. He has good ideas, brainstorms design challenges with me, knows how to use all tools, and connects all the tanks to my torches for soldering metal! 

Now back to finding balance again. Years ago, I wrote a blog called Finding Balance, where Bo asked me what it would take to get me in the studio more often. Back then my answer was to find a place to sell my jewelry. I joined a co-op and sold my jewelry there for years until it closed. As a retiree, I am in my studio most days now doing something, so time is not a barrier anymore. Meanwhile, I must find the balance of making, photographing, and selling jewelry again. I hope to expand my network over time.  

One way to expand my network is by taking more classes (I’ll blog about them in the future!). There is always something new to learn in a creative process. Also, I meet other jewelers who offer a wealth of information and resources and maybe I can expand my team! I am in the beginning stages of setting up an online jewelry shop on my website, schedule a show or two, and find a shop to sell my jewelry. 

Lastly, blogging.  I have noted in previous blogs my plan to blog more often than every four years. That is also part of the plan….again.

Okay, I have a plan and now I must implement it. I’ll be back soon, I promise. I am retired! 

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